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Global Confluence for 2025 Batch Students

Dr. V. G. Venkatesh, Professor – Supply Chain Management, EM Normandie Business School, France
Jansons School of Business organized Global Confluence in the domain ‘Supply Chain Management’ and it was delivered by Dr. V G Venkatesh, CSCP, Professor, Supply Chain Management at EM Normandie Business School, France.

The speaker has well started the sessions by emphasising the key terms such as procurement, purchasing, and sourcing. He highlighted the difference between vendors and suppliers, illustrating his points with real-world examples, including a Chinese toy shop.

He delved into concepts like consignment, focal companies, and levels of procurement, providing strategies for cost reduction. Focussed on the importance of the Bill of Materials (BOM) in calculating the components required to assemble a product was explained, stressed that a primary goal of procurement is cost efficiency.

Dr. Venkatesh also referenced the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, discussing layered hierarchies and the complexities of procurement. He concluded by stating that successful procurement professionals must be proficient in finance and shared negotiation tactics drawn from his personal experience.

The event provided valuable insights for students and professionals, equipping them with practical strategies for Supply Chain Management in the global context.