Alumni Meet 2010

The Eventful Day

ALUMNI MEET  2010 – Back to Nest…….was the first alumni meet of JSBians, which was organized on Sunday, February 28, 2010 in an effort to reunite the JSBians who have flown away to the promising land of corporate. The meet saw students from the first batch (2004) onwards, and it was reunion of sorts for all of us, since many were meeting for the first time since leaving their alma mater.

The event was inaugurated with lighting of the diya by Respected Vice Chairman Mr. T.N. Thirukumar and Respected CEO Mr. S. Mohan at Padmam Auditorium. Prof. R Chandrasekar and Prof. K. Srinivasan also joined the ceremony. This was followed by a welcome address, where stress was laid on saluting the vision of the founders of this institute, and reiterating the fact that the alumni were a wealth of immense value to the institute.
Next, it was time for rewinding……..there was a video show that chronicled and visually recited the growth of JSB since 2002. Those were nostalgic moments for the alumni, when they saw themselves in the various vantage points at JSB – under the Neem Tree, in Classrooms, in the playground. This evoked spontaneous applause, and they became nostalgic about their experience at JSB, and one could see the play of emotions on their faces, and it was a mixture of joy, awe and longing.
After a spicy lunch, the alumni enjoyed the game at Green Lounge of Auditorium, besides at the new football ground. It was highly rejuvenating to see the otherwise sombre and serious corporate shenanigans frolic in the fun, and there was laughter all over. Winners of the game were given and many walked away with mementos, flower, and refreshing thoughts.
In the evening, all the alumni moved to the auditorium for witnessing the amazing performance in the form of cultural events by students. The eventful and exhilarating day was came to an end with the vote of thanks to Vice Chairman, CEO, alumni, faculty, staff and students. The alumni were highly pleased and looked for such events in the coming years.
The meet went on till 8:00 pm as everyone had their fill of rumali rotis, shahi paneers, and other delicacies…….and they bade us goodbye, with their hearts and minds brimming with the pleasant thoughts of the ALUMNI MEET 2010.

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