

 “Knowing is not enough; we have to apply;

Willing is not enough; we must do. “
The first event of the Quiz Club for this academic year, “Prometheus’10” was held on 2nd
August, 2010 at 5 15 pm at Padmam Auditorium. There was an overwhelming response
from the students. There were 20 teams (3 per team) registered for this event. The event
was graced by the members of faculty. The event began by 5.15 pm with welcoming
the gathering... The prelims were held online. Prelims began at 5.25 pm. There were 20
multiple choice questions. The time duration was 10 minutes. Six teams were selected for
the final round of the event. There were four rounds comprising questions in many areas
like, CEOs of companies and their books, identifying the personality, identifying the
home company of a brand, advertisements, bank names and general business questions.
In the rapid fire round, the questions included companies and identification of CEOs,
brand and brand ambassadors, books and authors, mergers and acquisitions. There were
also questions for the audience. There was a series of tie-breaker questions for first place.
Finally Team 7 (Naveen T.K, Naveenraj and Rahul Dhivakaran) won the first prize. The
first prize is books Rs.3000 worth. The second place was secured by Nagamaheshwari,
Saravana Kumar and Bagawatheeswaran. The second prize is books Rs.1500 worth. The
event closed by 7 pm. The event took place as per the scheduled time.

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