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Rtn. MPHF. T. S. Natarajan



He who opens a school door, closes a prison. - Victor Hugo

Jansons School of Business began with an idea that germinated in the yearning to establish a place of higher leaning and applied research in Management, with state-of-the-art infrastructure and world class configuration. And the building blocks of this institution have been our almost austere adherence to values and principles. It is this philosophy that has made JSB stand in good stead over the years!

The most important challenge for those pursuing management education in our country is the often amorphous structure of our business organizations, and this is something that we at JSB strive hard to shed light on. With both formal and informal sectors of the economy at loggerheads, it is quite interesting to note how business people, who started their dreams in the informal economy, saw their dream come to full bloom in the formal economy. This is a tough call that entrepreneurs and managers coming out of JSB must inevitably face. This becomes all the more important because what is ceremonial management education is straitjacketed within the confines of discriminatory Western models.

JSB takes pride in bringing to the fore that talent and bent of mind of the informal business person, and takes it upon itself the hallowed task to disseminate the formless composition that supports the formal constitution. This is precisely that task that our students attempt to decipher during their summer internships, viz., the magic of formal-informal interaction in running a business.

This brings us to our core ideology that greases the very functioning of JSB the spirit of action-oriented learning in management education. It is this very force of the idea that has engendered JSB to be placed among favorites in the realm of the corporate. Let it be known, that this fortitude will aid us in sculpting better managers and entrepreneurs who move out of the precincts of JSB. As Herbert Spencer says, “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.”