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Announcements Archive - Page 26

EIP - Building Brands
Author: Mr. Satheesh Krishnamurthy, Brand Consultant, Chennai
Date: 2007-09-09 00:00:00

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We have come across various brands and their commercials every day.  But some questions always puzzle us as to - Why people stick to a certain brand?  Has it got anything to do with the product or the advertisement?  Why does a brand fail?  Well, these were all the questions we had in mind that very mo ing.

Mr. Satheesh Krishnamurthy, brand consultant, chennai was here to answer our questions.  We had a one day workshop on 9 Sept. 2007 where he spoke on how companies build brands through advertisements.  The forenoon session was on branding a product, the role of communication in branding and how a consumer perceives the product.  He showed us a few eye-catching advertisements to show us how creatively companies promote their brands.

In the afte oon session he spoke on the transformation of brand in the last few years and how ads have played an important role in this transformation.  He showed us the "Ponds Talcum Powder" advertisement during the 80s up to this day.  We discussed on the differences in communication that each advertisement portrayed.  The workshop was interactive and vibrant.  It threw light on various aspects of branding and its effectiveness in moving "the product from a shelf of the handbag".

EIP - Business Analysis for IT Solutions
Author: Mr. Narayanan Sivakumar,
Date: 2007-10-17 00:00:00

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Topic: Business Analysis for IT Solutions

Guest Faculty: Mr. Narayanan Sivakumar, B.Tech(IIT), PGDBA(IIM-A)
                       Visiting Professor BIM, LIBA & CBS
                       Management Consultant in the field of IT
                       Strategy & Implementation

Batch: 2008

Date: 17-10-07 & 18-10-07

Time: 9.00 AM

Venue: Lecture Hall 5

Executive Interaction Programme
Author: Cultural Awareness and Entrepreneurship in Management
Date: 2007-09-18 00:00:00

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The executive interaction program (EIP) at JSB on Cultural awareness and entrepreneurship in management was presented by Mr.Rajeshwar.B (COO) and Ms. Anitha Venkat (project manager) of Global Adjustment Services Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Rajeshwar gave his view on entrepreneurship and effective communication for a successful manager. A macro-economic perspective about entrepreneurship was discussed. It included the purchasing power parity (PPP), demographic dividend, inflation and secular growth of India. A graph on demographic dividend by the US SENSEX bureau explained the dividend of India that showed the number of people at various bands. Also the advantage of growing Indian population such as 55 % of the population constituting youth (under 25 years), the increasing workforce requirements and the entrance of Indian MNC globally were emphasized. A brief view on inflation rate, rupee appreciation, India being the long term favorite for global players and the importance of cultural awareness was also a part of the macro-economic view. The discussion shifted to the imperatives of a successful manager that included leadership, vision, objective and assertiveness for a manager and then to entrepreneurship. The definition of an entrepreneurship traits and the reason for pursuing entrepreneurship were its constituents. He also gave hints on how IIM graduates opted for entrepreneurship, virtuous cycle and the relevance of entrepreneurship in India. Because of technology gaining its importance in corporate world the do's and don'ts of using e-mail in effective communication improvement was briefed. Ms. Anitha took over the session after a break with a small activity that made it light. She emphasized on culture gaining its importance in the corporate world after globalization and the need for the managers to be aware of it. She also gave a few real life scenarios were culture played a main role in business decisions. The session thus ended with a feed of thoughts, facts and experiences about culture and entrepreneurship.

J-Day Celebrations
Author: 2008 Batch Students celebration
Date: 2007-08-16 00:00:00

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It was august the 15th and obviously our nation's Independence day. That day mo ing an unusual lot of students were found wishing in a different way. They were exchanging anniversary wishes with one another which when closely listened to, revealed that it was the same day when the 2008 batch stepped into JSB.

The students were planning to celebrate the day with the permission of the director on the 16th, the Director also agreed. The dress code for the occasion was ethnic wear. Guys dressed in dothis and shirt, girls dressed in sarees was what could be seen around the campus during the break time. The campus looked different with lots of fun going around.

The evening had a huge surprise was in store for the students from the JSB management. The students had planned to have a small formal meeting with the faculty members to express their gratitude. But believe me, no one would have ever imagined of a cake which was 100 feet long with all the names of 2008 batch students written with chocolate icing. The vanilla cake looked very attractive and students were seen taking photographs around the cake.

The moment came when every student along with the faculty members had a chance to cut the cake and have their share. It was shear excitement out there and looked like an eating competition. The event was followed by treasure hunt games, the traditional Uri Adi game and musical chair. At the end of the day everyone was so excited and happy that the J-day had so much of sweet memories to cherish.

Rajkumar Schwartz R

2008 Batch

Independence Day Celebration
Author: Faculty and Students in heated debate!
Date: 2007-08-15 00:00:00

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Given a chance for a day, what would you like to be? A politician, bureaucrat or common man? Well, the faculty and second year students of JSB exchanged posts with them for once on Independence Day. The day began with the Chairman's speech, followed by unfurling of the flag to the tune of the national anthem. Finally, a debate over, "Who contributes most for the nation's development, Politicians, Bureaucrats or Common man," took place ,which enthralled the audience, nevertheless making them clap for the participant's witty comments. On the whole an Independence Day with lots of excitement and fun that got us thinking also!

Archana & Shibu .Varghese

2008 Batch

Chairman Feast
Author: A Warm Welcome to 2009 batch!
Date: 2007-09-08 00:00:00

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The lovely dusk gave us a colorful and breezy welcome…. There was excitement and anxiety in the air. The twilight set the right atmosphere for a party. What more does one need to celebrate a feast! Yes, our chairman decided to give the freshers a feast. So, we, the students, decided to start the celebration with a cultural programme. Hoping for a wonderful evening, we awaited the chairman's arrival.

Soon, the chairman and his family arrived and were seated on the dias. The programme was just getting started when the Rain Gods decided to welcome us as well. In minutes, we bid goodbye to them and seated ourselves inside. It was time for action!

There was some hesitation and an odd silence since the freshers were both excited and nervous about their very first performance in the campus. As the programme went on, the heat started. The freshers started with a Mime. Then, our nightingales sang for us, sending us  to immortality! Later, we had a game of  'passing ball' and enjoyed a lot! It was a thrilling experience! The programme ended with a group dance. The performers and their performance were ecstatic!

After the vote of thanks, all of us were in for a surprise. We had fireworks lit up for us and the colorful sparks that shot up to the sky sent all of us gasping for air. The fireworks were breathtaking! With wide smiles and awe, we proceeded for the feast.

The feast was a big hit! All of us treated ourselves well. The only worry was that the evening had come to an end. The rain Gods ended the evening for us, blessing us even more this time! The programme left us cheerful and drained too. It is definitely an evening to remember; cherish and share with each other, through our memories…..


2009 Batch

Movie Club Inauguration
Author: The Pursuit of Happiness
Date: 2007-09-17 00:00:00


The movie The Pursuit of Happiness was staged on the inauguration day of the Movie club which was Monday, 17th of September. The choice of the movie is to be appreciated as this was the most suitable one, especially for us, the first year students who has just made the first step into the business school. Filled with suspense, intense emotions and feelings, the movie is highly thought provoking too. Will Smith as an actor has scored high in viewer's expectation. Directed by Gabriele Muccino, the film also stars Jade Smith, the son of Will Smith who has proved to be the father's son.

Follow your heart till it leads you where you ought to be: this is what the movie communicates to the audience. Chris Gardener (Will Smith) is introduced as a salesman, struggling to meet the ends by selling the little needed bone density scanners. His wife, on the other hand, toils in double shift to support her husband and young son, Christopher. Their life takes a new tu with Chris' decision to try for a stock broker inte ship where one in twenty has the rare chance of a successful career. His wife deserts him and the father and the son are left homeless. Together the father and the son struggle through all of life's share to finally land on the shores of success.

This might seem to be a family story depicting the intense love and affection of a father and his son. But, it offers sharp insights into human life in general. We never become successful ove ight. Behind the happiness of any man, there is the story of hard work. Will's strong attitude helps him to reach his goals. He never asked the mountains to move away from his path. Instead, he worked hard and climbed the mountains.

The enthusiasm we spot in Chris is a contagious. The film was an entirely motivational one. And now, let me not linger… for I have dreams to chase!!!!

Megha Mary Michael

2009 Batch

System Club Inauguration
Author: A Rendezvous with the icons of the IT industry
Date: 2007-10-04 00:00:00

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Rendezvous with the icons of IT industry

When we heard of TCS executives planned visit to our campus, different thoughts filled our minds. For some it was absolute joy, for some other it was an opportunity and for some like me it was a dream come true. We were lucky to be visited by three top notch executives from TCS. They were introduced as Mr.Jayaramakrishnan(Marketing), Mr.Ashok. S (HR) and Mr Siddharthan. They visited JSB to inaugurate INTEGRA, the Systems club of JSB.

After the brief introduction Mr Jayaraman rose to the dais with panache and started the proceedings in a humorous note. He next elaborated on the various information a company collects and what it does with it. An interesting business proposal on how one can use this volume of information and sort it out for companies was taught. He said that any company would be willing to pay for this classified information. He further explained how a company as big as TCS works on day to day basis. A good amount of information on business process re-engineering was given and was supplemented with explanation, which goes like this. A company has two choices, either they can make a pair of shoes according to the size of the feet or they can alter a ready made shoe according to size of the customer's feet.

He then spoke about the role of an MBA in the IT industry. During the interactive session a lot of questions were put forward by us which were answered in a humorous and informative manner. They shared a few tips on what the corporate expects out of a new recruit.

On the whole it was an informative and entertaining session about TCS and the IT industry.  He concluded by saying that he was looking forward to more association with JSB.

Arjun .R. Nair

Nimisha Nair 

Guest Lecture
Author: Dr. G. Kannabiran, Professor, Department of Management Studies, NIT, Trichy
Date: 2007-10-12 00:00:00


Topic: "Strategic Value of IT in Business - Emerging Trends" & " Payments & Security in E-Commerce"


Dr. G. Kannabiran, Professor, Department of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology, Trichy.

Date: 12-Oct.-2007

Time: 9.30 AM

Venue: Lecture Hall - 6

EIP - Online Trading - Benefits and Pitfalls
Author: Mr. J. Karthikeyan, Director - Operations, Finerva Financial Solutions
Date: 2007-10-16 00:00:00


Topic: "Online Trading - Benefits and Pitfalls"

Speaker: Mr. J. Karthikeyan, Director - Operations, Finerva Financial Solutions, Coimbatore

Batch: 2008(ERPM Students)
Date: 16-10-07
Time: 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM
Venue: LH 3

Executive Interaction Programme
Author: Mr. Siddarthan, Head-Operation, HyperCity, Mumbai
Date: 2007-09-27 00:00:00

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Retail Session by Mr. Siddharthan, HyperCITY

India's retail industry, with its economic boom, is the second largest employer (after agriculture) and second largest (after China) untapped market. There is paucity for talented people in this sector and hence offers huge opportunities for management trainees like us. To feed the voracious appetite of the retail hungry students of JSB, a 100hours retail programme was arranged. The first ten hours was taken by Mr. Muralidaran from Reliance Telecommunications. The second session was by Mr. Sidharthan, Head of Operations, HyperCITY, Mumbai which started on 26th Sept, 2007. The three-day discussion offered information and encouragement for those keen to enter the Indian retail market.

The first day was well spent in helping the participants identify the reason for choosing retail as a career. The next two days, we deliberated on what is retail, its evolution and the intricacies involved in opening a new store. The participants decided on opening a hypermarket in Coimbatore and drew a business plan for the same. Three teams constituting of a financial department, a team to determine the pre-opening activities of the store and another team for its post-opening activities made presentations on their respective areas. The session was highly interactive and informative. It was an experience transcending classroom lea ing and helped most of us relate academic concepts to industry realities. Getting to know how this is done directly from the man who just opened a store was something we will cherish for a long time to come.

Syama Sundari

2008 batch

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